Home / Civil War Genealogy / West Virginia / 4th West Virginia Infantry
4th West Virginia InfantryUS Flag
Company Unknown
Isom Baldwin
- Private
Died of Typhus
Contact Name: Dan Bryant
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Date Added: 6/1/2016

Company Unknown
archibald Kennedy
Rank Unknown
Looking for my Kennedy Ancestors. Three brothers were supposed to have served with the 4th W.Va. Invantry and 2 died in Vicksburg. I can''t seem to find their names listed anywhere, especially the date they died. One was Archibald and another was David Kennedy.
Contact Name: Larry W. Dodd
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Date Added: 7/27/2004

Company B
james m blackburn
- Private
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Contact Name: roy daugherty
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Date Added: 4/3/2009

Company B
James Frank Blake
- Private
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Contact Name: Bonny Enke
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Date Added: 4/27/2018

Company B
Alonzo Hart
- Private
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Contact Name: Bonny Enke
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Date Added: 4/27/2018

Company B
Columbus Hart
- Private
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Contact Name: Bonny Enke
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Date Added: 4/27/2018

Company B
Gilbert A. Rayburn
- Private
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Contact Name: Steve Badgley
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Date Added: 9/21/2005

Company C
david Clingingsmith
- Private
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Contact Name: Kyle Voss
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Date Added: 8/9/2003

Company C
William Glenn
- Sergeant
Birth: Oct. 5, 1839
Sussex County
Virginia, USA
Death: Jun. 23, 1927
Harvey County
Kansas, USA

Father, Isaac Glenn 1816-1888
Mother Clarinda 'Clara' Wolf Glenn 1815-1842

Married Katherine Hussell, July 4, 1866.

Mr. Glenn enlisted as a Union soldier in the 4th West Virginia Infantry Co. C. He was wounded in the battle of Vicksburg, that being the only wound he received in the war altho he engaged in 32 battles. He re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864. Mr. Glenn receive many honors as a soldier. He was a personal friend of President Lincoln, received honorable mention from Gen Grant and was offered a captain's commission by Gen. Sherman. He was in Sherman's ride and started on Sherman's march to the sea, but was turned back. Sergeant Glenn was discharged from the service July 16, 1865 at Clarksburg, W. Va.

Mr. Glenn pioneered to the west taking up a claim in Nebraska later moving to Kansas, locating on a farm southeast of Newton.

Funeral services were held Wednesday, June 29, at the First Methodist church, burial was made in the family lot in Greenwood cemetery.

Contact Name: Julian Wall
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Date Added: 6/18/2010

Company C
Gilbert Roush
- Private
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Contact Name: Danny Roush
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Date Added: 3/20/2007

Company C
Jesse V. Stevens
- Private
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Contact Name: Steve Badgley
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Date Added: 9/21/2005

Company D
Jesse Thomas Mace
- Private
This is my grandfather, who fought through the entire war until being discharged in July, 1865. He enrolled in Auburn, Ohio; I have not been able to determine for certain who/where his father lived. Any hints appreciated.
Contact Name: Phil Mace
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Date Added: 8/14/2006

Company E
Thomas H. Barton
- Other
A Doctor. Was appointed as regimental Hospital Steward. His autobiogrpahy entitled 'Dr.Thomas H. Barton, The Self Made Physician of Syracuse, Ohio', published in 1890, includes a history of the 4th Regiment and Colonel Lightburn's retreat as seen by his eyes. Very interesting. You can read this book by pulling it up at Google Book Search.
Contact Name: Steve Badgley
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 4/15/2007

Company E
Josiah Coon
Rank Unknown
My great grandfather is Josiah Coon, alias Joe Moore. I have found 2 Josiah Coon's in the West Virginia Civil War records, one is in the 4th West Virginia Infantry Co. E. The second is in the 4th West Virginia Calvary Co. F. The headstone in our cemetary has Josiah Coon, 4th West Virginia Infantry, Co. E. Would anyone know how I could find out which is the correct Josiah Coon? Our family history seems to be a little 'non-existent'Update: I have since found information on my great-grandfather from Greg Carroll at the West Virginia History and Cultural Center. I have found that Josiah Coon Co. E and Josiah Coon Co. F is one in the same. Josiah was first in the infantry 4th WV Co. E medically discharged, and rejoined again in the 4th WV Co. F Cavalry where he remained until he was mustered out. I have been able to obtain both of his unclaimed medals from the WV History museum. At the museum they also have some military records. If anyone is looking for information of a relative who joined in West Virginia or served in West Virginia I would highly recommend a call to them.
Contact Name: Robbin Hamby
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 8/16/2006

Company E
Adam Lallance
- Private
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Contact Name: Steve Badgley
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 9/21/2005

Company E
Isaac Roush
- Private
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Contact Name: Danny Roush
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Date Added: 3/21/2007

Company E
daniel a russell
- Captain
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Contact Name: steve weed
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Date Added: 2/16/2013

Company E
John Perry Wolf
- Corporal
My GGGrandfather, John Perry Wolf, from Sutton Township, Meigs County, Ohio, enlisted in the 4th Virginia Volunteer Infantry (later to become the 4th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry or 4th WVVI) on 17Jul1862, served the entire war, and mustered out on 16Jul1865.

Overview of service: John Wolf served in E Company of the 4th WVVI regiment through the Civil War. His service started with 17 months in southwestern West Virginia, where a part of the regiment occupied Spencer for several months. Later, the entire regiment was stationed in Ceredo from Dec61 through Apr62.. The regiment, under command of Colonel Joseph Lightburn, next operated in the Kanawha Valley through the summer and fall of 1862 patrolling the backwoods roads fighting bushwhackers. The regiment’s first major engagement was the Battle of Charleston WV in September, 1862.

In January 1863 the regiment was transferred to Grant’s Army of the Tennessee and served in MG Sherman’s 15th Army Corps in BG Hugh Ewing's brigade at Vicksburg. The Brigade, including the 30th OVI, 37th OVI, 47th OVI, and 4th WVVI, participated in two assaults on Vicksburg on the 19th and 22nd of May 1862 followed by the sieges of Vicksburg and Jackson, Mississippi.

Following a brief rest period in camp near Vicksburg, the regiment was transported up the Mississippi River to Memphis. They immediately marched for Chattanooga TN, skirmishing along the route, and fought in the Battle of Missionary Ridge the day after their arrival in the Chattanooga area. Following this battle, the regiment was immediately force-marched to Knoxville to relieve Union forces under siege from Confederate General Longstreet, followed by their return to the Chattanooga area.

The enlistment contracts of the 4th WVVI soldiers were soon to expire, and in February 1864 John Wolf and about three-fourths of the regiment re-enlisted. About 300 men reenlisted. Those who re-enlisted were granted 30-day furloughs and returned to Wheeling, WV, and were released on-leave to their homes about the first of April 1864.

These veteran volunteers returned to duty on the first of May 1864 at Gallipolis, Ohio retaining their 4th WVVI designation with the addition of the word ‘veteran’ in the title. The 4th WVVVI spent the remainder of the war in the West Virginia and Virginia theaters of operations where they fought under Generals Hunter and Sheridan during the Shenandoah campaign in the summer and fall of 1864.

The regiment was even more severely depleted by the end of the Shenandoah campaign, and in December 1864 it was combined with the 1st WVVI to become the 2nd WV Veteran Volunteer Infantry Regiment. This new regiment was placed in a reserve role at Cumberland, Maryland. John Wolf transferred into Company B, 2nd WVVVI until mustered out on 16 July 1865. There is a newspaper account about John Wolf delivering a payroll chest to Harpers Ferry which would have occurred while he was stationed in Cumberland, MD serving with the 2nd WVVVI. This article has re-appeared in print several times and is also included in the Roush Family History Vol IV.

Genealogy: John's grandfather, George Wolf, and father, Henry Wolf, were early pioneers in Meigs County. HIs mother was Elizabeth Roush Roberts Wolf. He had many relatives in the regiment, including a Roush nephew and three Roush cousins. I've found many other relatives who served in other Union regiments. His older brother, Silas, was killed in action at Stones River on 31Dec1862 serving in the 18th OVI.
Contact Name: Jim Taylor
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Date Added: 5/4/2020

Company E
John Wolf
- Private
Served 2 years, 5 months and 27 days
Lost his hearing in his left ear.
Contact Name: Steve Badgley
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Date Added: 2/10/2006

Company F
Morris Dennis
- Corporal
KIA Walnut Hills, Vicksburg MS 19 May 1863. Buried Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Parkersburg WV
Contact Name: Tony Collins
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Date Added: 8/12/2009

Company F
William A Robinson
- Private
My 2nd great grand uncle.
Contact Name: Rick Robinson
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Date Added: 6/15/2014

Company G
john T greer
- Sergeant
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Contact Name: roy daugherty
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Date Added: 7/9/2009

Company H
William A. Allen
- Private
my 3rd great-grandfather originally from Pocahontas Co WV; married Elizabeth Young of Kanawha Co; died 1891 Lewis Co. After the war, he became 'ill' (PTSD) and spent the rest of his days in the Asylum at Weston WV
Contact Name: Judi Carte Brinegar
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 2/19/2012

Company H
William C Carte
- Corporal
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Contact Name: Eric Thomas
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Date Added: 5/5/2010

Company H
Isaiah Smith
- Private
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Contact Name: Judi Carte Brinegar
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 2/19/2012

Company H
Thomas J. Smith
- Private
my 4th great-grandfather. he married Elizabeth Strickland and died between 1892-1900 in Kanawha Co
Contact Name: Judi Carte Brinegar
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 2/19/2012

Company H
- Private
grave can be located on 'find a grave'...died in 1912, buried in KY

Campbell County, Alexandria Cemetary
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Date Added: 4/2/2015

Company I
Abraham Asbury
- Private
I have his WV Civil War Discharge Medal
Contact Name: John King
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Date Added: 1/21/2006

Company K
Joseph Broadwater
- Private
Joseph died in service at Memphis Tennessee, in July 1863.
Contact Name: Marvin Hoover
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Date Added: 3/18/2006

Company M
ryllizwohh htzsmidutc jrfigclmri
- Captain

Contact Name: dwyfoicoxm
Contact Email: Show Email
Contact Homepage: ubwuuwtygd
Date Added: 11/26/2023

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